The Power in Creating A Vision Board
If you’re reading this, congrats and welcome to 2022!
Usually the New Year is associated with a fresh start, and a new sense of hustle and drive for goals however, since the start of the pandemic I’ve noticed a loss of new year excitement and energy for a lot of people. I actually didn’t even bother with creating a vision board last year because I was feeling so meh about everything. I forgot, for a slight moment, exactly what the formula is for scientific prayer (in other words how to manifest).
Life is not guaranteed to go the way you plan for it.
Life will throw you curveballs to which you need to adapt to.
Life is a perfectly imperfect ensemble of beauty and sorrow, happiness and sadness, pain and pleasure – the perfect contradiction. All that being said, life is still beautiful and as humans we have the power to react how we want to in response to external circumstances.
Out of everything I’ve learned or read on LOA, this one statement holds true.
I believe first and see later. I will remain unmoved and unbothered by external circumstances.
While that sounds super challenging (because it is) it’s doable. With practice, awareness and careful attention you can learn to focus on what it is you desire without becoming consumed with what is.
Why a Vision Board?
Vision boards are a practical way to make sure you stay focused on what matters to you and the life you envision for yourself. For one, it’s visual and the mind responds much better to images than words, you craft your vision board however you want according to your goals, and it’s fun.
In the popular law of attraction book The Secret it states, “The law of attraction is forming your entire life experience and it is doing that through your thoughts. When you are visualizing, you are emitting a powerful frequency out into the Universe.”
Simply put, visualization is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do.
Feel it Real
There is a method to vision boards that go beyond simply copying and pasting images to a board and carrying on with your day. You want to be intentional with each photo you select and the emotion it emits within you. The key to manifesting anything is to match the vibration of what you ask for. An example being, if I choose to become rich yet have a poverty mindset… sure I can by chance become rich but it most likely won’t last because I haven’t elevated myself to the level I need to be at to properly attain and keep this desire. Matching the vibration of my desire can mean feeling its reality, right now and choosing pictures that I can actually see come to fruition (e.g., a bank statement with a big number to get me excited).
In short, you want to elicit emotions within you whenever you think of or look at your vision board. The more your board focuses on how you want to feel, the more it will come to life.
How to Create A Vision Board
So back to my earlier point where I felt meh about creating one, I forgot just for a sec how I need to detach from my current reality and settle into the possibilty and wonder of what can be as this is where the fun lies.
Step 1:
Think about what your goals are in the following areas: relationships, career and finances, home, travel, personal growth (including spirituality, social life, education) and health.
Take some time and brainstorm what you want to achieve in each of those areas to look like and write them down. From your goals and aspirations, think about what you want on your vision board
Step 2:
Now that you have that down, start looking for pictures that depict those goals. If it’s to be rich, try to be specific on what that means. How much would you earn in a year? A month? A week? How much would your bank balance be?How would your lifestyle change? Grab pictures that define that and add them to a blank canvas/bristol board or online app like Canva.
Step 3:
Place your completed vision board in an area that you’ll see it often. Remember to feel it real and get excited about all that you wish to come true. Be grateful while you’re in pursuit of these goals and trust the process. Guaranteed what you focus on expands. Let go of trying to control how things will unfold and let life happen to you and remember:
I believe first and see later. I will remain unmoved and unbothered by external circumstances.
All right, hopefully that got you hype to create your own vision board. These don’t have to be done once a year in January specifically- you find what works best for you! Just know that these things do work (I can attest to it) and remember that you are a master creator ~~
Have you made something come true that you’ve had on a vision board before? Share it with me in the comments!
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