Don’t Think, Just Do
I am a planner. I love to envision, formulate ideas, and create very linear strategies in my head of what I foresee happening. All these things are great and make me who I am, but unfortunately being too much of a planner prevents me from doing.
I decided to hop on the podcast and discuss why it’s important to just do.
“Don’t think, just do” has low key been my motto for a year and a bit because I realized, time and time again, how much time I was wasting when I wasn’t actually putting my amazing plans into action.
This is the case with my lack of consistent content creation (I mean, I did experience a shift in priorities) there are gaps of published content on many of my channels, and a bit of that stems from just staying too long in the planning stage.
When I get settled in that mind frame for too long, I begin to overthink myself out of my well-planned ideas because thoughts of perfectionism, comparison, and critique tend to stand out way more than my initial idea.
Progress, Not Perfection
People sit on million-dollar ideas for yearsss. Some never even see its fruition because they are literally stuck in “the plan zone”. I’m sure there’s been a time when you thought of an idea for an amazing business or a side hustle – the list goes on. You envisioned the entire process in your head and you wanted to do it but then, the more you thought about it, the more you ended up talking yourself out of it when judgments started flooding in.
This is why when I start on the right track of mind in my planning process and begin the doing, what keeps me going is by leaning into my progress more than perfection.
It took me just over a month to install this template correctly and learn how Gutenberg works (the WordPress design software). I was SO frustrated, but I took breaks and every time I went back at it, I realized I was getting closer and closer to resolving these tech issues and getting my site back up again.
I chose to focus on the 1% further I was getting each time instead of wanting perfection every time.
Perfectionism Is A Lie
I don’t know where people learned to adopt this fallacy of perfectionism (myself included) but it is a lie. It doesn’t exist, no one has done it before, it doesn’t matter. We’re all works in progress.
I guess speaking from my content creation perspective, I just know that I won’t post certain work online if it isn’t up to my standards. And that’s not being a perfectionist, that’s just me having self-respect lol.
I know what my best is, but I also give myself the grace to get better at things because practice + time = more experience and better results. That being said, I have a lot of unlearning to do when it comes to the expectations I set for myself. If I don’t check myself every so often, I can feel myself falling back into perfectionist ways, which only causes stress and less productivity.
Let Go Of Controlling Everything
Life is uncertain, the future is unknown and you can’t grow in your comfort zone. Sorry to say but this is not Burger King and you cannot have it your way.
I tend to think I can control circumstances, but I’m always met with disappointment when I realize that I cannot lol. And you know what? I’d rather it that way. I think there’s this peaceful aura of people who have accepted life for what it is. They don’t try to resist or control every aspect of their day and have learned to just allow. That’s some monk/Buddha type of living, but for the first world/high tech generation it doesn’t come as easy.
There’s actually so much power when you relinquish control and just allow. Learning to settle into this feeling whenever I’m met with the resistance that typically comes from trying to control circumstances.
If you feel like you resonate with any of the above sentiments, tap in and give my latest episode a listen.
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