behind the blog
Meet Sherese Nicole
Thank you for visiting my website! Here you’ll find my creativity in different formats – gut-healing recipes on Youtube, thoughts, ramblings on my blog and podcast, and my fav products and merch via my online store.
The Top 13 Benefits Of a Digital Detox
This post is all about the 13 benefits of a digital detox. It’s hard for a day to pass without consuming or engaging with some type of digital media. The majority of us use our phones as…
30 Day Writing Prompts Challenge
This blog post is all about 30 day writing prompts Becoming a better writer is a skill that gets easier the more you practice it. Whether you have a blog or not, you can always aspire to…
The Best Low Sugar Fruits On A Candida Diet
You don’t have to go without fruit sugars at all. Learn about the best low sugar fruits for the candida diet The misconception about following a candida diet is that you need to go without sugars, even…
11 Simple Morning Routines to Start Your Day Off Right
This post will discuss 11 simple morning routines that will wake you up and lead to a more productive and energized day! It’s easy to wake up in the morning, reach for your phone, and scroll social…
Must-Have Items on a Candida Diet Grocery List
This blog post will discuss all the essential items that should be on your candida diet grocery list Understanding what to eat, what to shop for, and how to prepare your meals during a candida diet will…